Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Gelli Printing and Book Art

You may think I'd just vanished into the ethers but not so. In fact I'm just getting into Gelli printing. I hope to use some of the prints as covers for bookbinding projects as well as pages in art journals and collage materials. I made my own gelli printing plate with gelatin and glycerin and water. I can't wait to use it! I just haven't had time to do it justice. I'm trying to clean art space to do it. It is one of those projects where you can create a lot in a short time so you have to have all your ducks in a row before you begin.

I'm also still journaling four or five times a week. I try to write 3 pages each day as well as sketching out ideas. I keep many notebooks, composition books and sketchbooks laying around so there is always one nearby when I get an epiphany. I recently used it to sketch out ideas for knitted pullovers.
Then I tore the page out to make sure it stayed with my knitting project; otherwise I might forget what book I drew it in. I always keep one journal on my bed too.

I have a bunch of those serrated scissors that people use for scrapbooking. I found out I can use them to cut craft foam, and then use those as 'combs' to draw designs on the paint on the gelli printing block. So I picked up some craft foam at the Dollar Tree store. There are some fabulous books out on Gelli Printing. I bought one and then saw another one at Barnes & Noble. Can't buy them all! I wish.

Anyway, don't give up on me. I'll post when I can.

View from my front  yard.

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